Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bib is the New Black: Acid Reflux Necessities

A's outfit essential..... the Bib.  Thank you Mr. A. Reflux!  Not exactly the fashion trend I was hoping for.  In fact, I used to shun all of my friends who religiously tied a bib around their child's neck.  Now I know the truth, and let me tell you.. I have every girly bib known to baby.

Acid Reflux struck A like-so-fast.  She would fight feedings that previously calmed her crying periods (see prior post), puke everywhere, scream bloody murder when on her back and my least favorite symptom, choke profusely following feedings.  I also noticed excess saliva everywhere!

Reflux and I are still at war and apparently this is just another one of those things that babies "grow out of".....  fun.  But here are some essentials I depend on to get me through the day (and night)... all approved by my pediatrician, of course!

  • Medela Double Breast Pump- Thanks to my insurance company and the Affordable Health Care Act (passed in 2012), I received a FREE breast pump.  My doc recommended that I add some rice cereal to thicken A's feedings and hold her food down (so it didn't come shooting out at me). So I express my breast milk and then I add....
  • Gerber Rice Cereal-  add 1 tsp. per ounce to her expressed milk or formula.
  • Dr. Brown's Bottles- no need to gulp down air because the Dr. Brown system.
  • Rock and Play- A is still sleeping in this.  She needs the incline so that her food doesn't creep it's way back up... It also rocks, so it can be very soothing when she is upset.  She is elevated off the floor and it easily folds so that I can take it with me wherever I choose to go!
  • Carter's Bibs- My daughter is always wearing a bib because she is always spitting up/throwing up.  She must go through about 5 bibs a day, minimum.  I specifically love these bibs because they have a barrier in them that won't allow the spit up to wet A's clothing, so she stays dry longer.
  • Gas Relief Drops/Gripe Water-  I don't depend on these drops as much as I depend on A's prescribed medication, but both of these were pediatrician recommended and over the counter.  Lots of my friends swear by these products.  Personally, I didn't see too much of a difference... but in my opinion, it's better to try homeopathic remedies before relying on prescribed medication.
Thanks to these tricks, A is doing well.  She is gaining weight and although I have to deal with massive amounts of spit up, choking spells, and multiple costume outfit changes, I am one very lucky mama to have such a resilient baby.

Peace, love and bibs,

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