Friday, September 27, 2013

Helpful Parenting Books

As a scared, overly- enthusiastic mother-to-be, I decided that I would learn all there was to know about parenting while I was pregnant, so that by the time I had my baby, I would be suited with well-equipped armor ready to take on Battle of the Baby.

I read two books.  Well, three actually, but I don't think Belly Laughs by none other than Playmate, Jenny McCarthy, counts as sophisticated parenting literature.  Anyway, as much as these books made me feel like Super-Mom-To-Be, there was nothing like being throttled right into parenting.  I mean, one day you don't have a baby and the next day, you do.  I did find these two books helpful.  After all, I did hear these authors whispering sweet nothings in my ear as I was rocking my colicky baby in the loneliness of night.  I have to say, I'm glad I was well-equipped, but life experience, as always takes precedence.

1.  The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp
This book helped me learn about the author's theory about the "missing fourth trimester" and how to calm and soothe your newborn.  In this book, you will learn about the 5 soothing strategies called the 5 S's: Swaddle, Swing, Shh, Suck... and ah! there is one more that I just can't remember.  Use these 5 S's day in and day out.  Remember them.  Read them to your partner. And, in my opinion, there is such thing as colic extended crying periods.  Hang in there.

2.  Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Child by Marc Weissbluth, MD.
This bible book will teach you the importance of healthy sleep habits and establish appropriate sleep patterns, instead of breaking poor sleeping habits that develop later on.  Okay, I may be jumping the gun, because who knows what A will be like years from now in terms of her sleeping habits, but one strong belief I have as an SLP and now a mom is that sleeping your child is just as important as feeding your child.  My days and nights are focused on 1-2 hours of wakefulness ONLY and then soothing her to sleep.  Eat.  Play.  Sleep.  Repeat.

A bit of a boring post, but for all of you out there looking to get your hands dirty, these were definitely helpful.

Remember:  Never, and I mean, never wake a sleeping baby.

Peace, love and sweet-reads,

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