So I've decided to do away with my old "traffic light system" and be a little bit more specific with my behavior chart. I saw this one on another blog called, and tried it out. I did make one change though.
Notice the clothespins on the chart are each have a colored circle. The colors coordinate with the same colored circles at my therapy table. If Sean sits at the table by the red circle, then he is the red circle clothespin for the session. This also allows for me to control where my students sit from the moment they walk into my room. Sometimes, I need a student to sit next to me for a specific reason, or I don't want certain students next to each other. I can say, "Sally sit at the orange circle today," and there won't be a question. Also to branch off of that, you can change the colored circles to specific vocabulary from thematic units you are working on. Something to think about.... Have fun!